Research Reports
It is intended that this page will be used for reports written by members of the group or by other local historians who have allowed us to publish their material. The first in this series is a brief history of the excellent brasses in West Hanney church, written by Society President, Ann Fewins.
Hanney church brassesUntitled 1
Anyone with an interest in local history can do no better than start with the index of Oxoniensia. The link to this excellent publication is below. It will lead the reader to over 80 years of reports published, after peer review, by the Oxford Architectural and Historical Society. All are on line apart from the most recent years. Accessing these few years is easy by joining the Society, which charges a very low subscription, and posts an annual hard copy of its journal to members. Meetings are held from October to May in Rewley House, Wellington Square, Oxford.