Hanney History Group welcomes you to its website. The group has been in existence for almost forty years and was founded to explore the history of the two Hanneys, East and West, and their surrounding region. We have published booklets on local history and carried out research into the past of the Hanneys and their region. Recently we published character studies of both East and West Hanney as a contribution to their respective Neighbourhood Plans. These can be read on this website.
We normally meet from September to May on the fourth Monday of the month, in the Hanney War Memorial Hall, and usually at 8.00 p.m. In the summer months we also organise walks and visits, mostly in the local area. Although our focus is chiefly on local history, we also include topics of wider interest and greater geographical spread. Currently the group has approximately 50 members. Feel free to join us at any meeting, details of which should be found on this site.
St. James Church tower in West Hanney, probably taken some time before the second world war. The height was reduced in about 1938 due to structural weakness. The tower was capped with corrugated iron for a few years until the new belfry was constructed. It does not have the charm of the old tower but has stayed intact and supported the bells up to now.