What are the HER and the PAS?
Historic Environmental Records [HERs] are information services that provide access to comprehensive and dynamic resources relating to the archaeology and historic built environment of a defined geographic area.
HERs contain details on local archaeological sites and finds, historic buildings and historic landscapes and are regularly updated. This information is usually held in a database with a digital mapping system (Geographic Information System).
There are over 85 HERs in England which are maintained and managed by local authorities as the essential core of historic environment services. These are mainly county council or unitary authority based, but may also be held by joint services (i.e. more than one authority working together), district councils, and national parks. Similar records are maintained by major landowners, such as, the National Trust.
We maintain and make available contact details for all local authority and most national park authority HERs in England on the Heritage Gateway website.
The Portable Antiquities Scheme and the Hanneys
The Portable Antiquities Scheme is run by the British Museum and National Museum Wales to encourage the recording of archaeological objects found by members of the public in England and Wales. Every year many thousands of archaeological objects are discovered, many of these by metal detector users, but also by people whilst out walking, gardening or going about their daily work. Finds recorded with the Scheme help advance knowledge of the history and archaeology of England and Wales.
This scheme is managed under the auspices of the British Museum to encourage anyone finding historic material to report it to a local finds officer. In 2009, the Oxfordshire local officer, Anni Byard, worked with responsible local metal detectorists and landowners to organise two rallys in the Hanney area. One was responsible for discovering the Hanney Brooch, described elsewhere on this site [link needed], as well as hundreds of other objects. This was followed by fieldworking activity. Anni produced a poster to describe the main outcomes, which is attached below. Anni has kindly given permission to publish this material under the auspices of the Personal Antiquities Scheme[PAS].
Poster link
LAC2014_Postker detector rally Hanney 2009
Rally Outcomes at Hanney
The logs of the finds of both these rallies can be inspected through the links below:
50 Finds talk at Hanney History Group in 2019
Anni visited the history group in the village hall on April 23rd 2019 at 8.00pm, to update us on the progress of the scheme across Oxfordshire, based on her book ‘ 50 Finds from Oxfordshire’. This book can be inspected and purchased through the link below. It is published by Amberley books and is an excellent summary of some highlights of the local work of the PAS. Similar volumes are available for many other counties. Amazon offers low cost offers.